When you create a table in your MySQL database, DATA-SEED instantly creates the CRUD UI and API, with no line of code.


What you can do with DATA-SEED:

🌐   For Web sites owners

You can add features to your public site or back-end, with no code or just with simple SQL.

🖥   For Developers

Prototyping with low effort, add / change Apps with no code. Changes are instant for both UI and API.

🎩   For Individuals: Personal Portal

Always available from any device with Internet access; no need to install any App on your device. You can have your important data accessible from anywhere, or set reminders or alerts.

A simple example is to remember medicine administration by using NFC tags to open a simple App to record your status. With no line of code, with no phone applications installed...

That's the beginning...

You can make your on-premises and on-line applications to easily communicate via API, enrich, or collaborate automatically.

You can lower cloud costs by populating your online site via automatically exposed APIs with data provided by on-premises processing, like web-scrapping, data processing, AI interpreting articles sentiment (for example 😉), calculations, and more... unlimited!

Start here...


find a 5 minutes tutorial here!

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